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Job Fair 3
Job Fair 4

Bread for the City’s First Job Fair a Success!

Bread for the City hosted its first Job and Information Fair on Friday, June 16. Organized by Representative Payee Coordinator Shanta Hendry, the fair was designed to bring together a number of different companies and services agencies to give job seekers important resources.

Shalonda 1
Shalonda 2

From PEP to the Diaper Program: Shalonda tells us how she found her place at Bread!

The Diaper Room is open two days a week. Our clients receive a total of 50 diapers per household each month. We also offer our clients other baby needs, including milk, formula, nipples, pacifiers, bottles, baby shampoo, baby wash, baby lotion, baby clothes, cribs, walkers, strollers, even car seats, and so much more. Everything is upon availability, but it’s a great feeling to be able to offer that parent or guardian what they need to take care of a child.

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Housing Access Program presented in Spanish!

Exciting News! Bread for the City has launched a monthly Housing Access Program (HAP) Clinic that is presented entirely in Spanish. This session takes place once a month on the 4th Monday of the month at our Northwest Center.

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Art as Therapy with WomenStrong DC: Part 3 of 3

“Art as Therapy” with WomenStrong DC (WSDC) documents the results of a five-week Self-Portrait Silhouette Workshop where the women of WSDC, under the guidance of teaching artists Lana Wong and Sabreena Jeru-Ahmed, used their creative talents to discuss powerful personal issues.

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Art as Therapy with WomenStrong DC: Part 2 of 3

“Art as Therapy” with WomenStrong DC (WSDC) documents the results of a five-week Self-Portrait Silhouette Workshop where the women of WSDC, under the guidance of teaching artists Lana Wong and Sabreena Jeru-Ahmed, used their creative talents to discuss powerful personal issues.

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Art as Therapy with WomenStrong DC: Part 1 of 3

To exercise their creative talents, the ladies of WomenStrong DC took part in a five-week Self-Portrait Silhouette Workshop taught by artists Lana Wong and Sabreena Jeru-Ahmed. The result was art as therapy: powerful, mixed-media self-portraits that provided avenues for the women to deal with personal issues ranging from death and illness to trauma and anger.

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Barriers to Obtaining Identifying Documents: Personal Wealth (Post 1 of 4)

In spring 2015, Kathleen Stephan, Community Resource and Quality Assurance Coordinator, began looking into why so many Bread for the City clients were suddenly struggling to obtain an ID. This blog series explores how the system disadvantages people of color living in poverty, and proposes possible improvements to policies that are currently preventing many DC residents from obtaining identification documents.

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DC’s New Progressive Law reduces Housing Discrimination affecting People of Color

Yesterday, the DC Council unanimously passed the Fair Criminal Record Screening for Housing Act (“Housing Ban the Box”) – an extension of the Employment Ban the Box law that Bread for the City advocates and clients helped to pass in 2014.

Bread for the City will be closed for all services on Monday, October 14 in honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.