$20,000 per month? Yes, please!
May 19, 2016 by BFC in Fundraising
People always think of Bread for the City as just a food pantry, but we are so much more! Between our dental and vision clinics, 14 staff attorneys, job-readiness program, and more, we help nearly 35,000 adults and children every year.
As you can imagine, it takes a lot to make all of this happen, and that’s where our monthly donor program comes in. The Bread and Butter Club is vital to sustaining our comprehensive services. And, if you join today, your gift will be matched each month for an entire year through our $20,000 Monthly Donor Matching Challenge!
The Bread and Butter Club is an easy and convenient way for you to support Bread for the City. Membership means that:
- you’ll never have to think about writing a check
- we’ll contact you less often
- AND when you join today, your gift will be matched, dollar for dollar, for a whole year!
Will you join the Bread and Butter Club today to help our clients each month?
The work of fostering a city where all residents are healthy and housed requires a long-term commitment. Please stand with us today and have your gift DOUBLED!
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