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Celebrating Social Work Month at Bread for the City!

It’s that time of year again: Social Work Month! Each March, we pause to thank our social workers, social work students, and all social services staff. The theme this year, per the National Association of Social Workers, is “Leaders, Advocates, Champions” – and at Bread for the City, our Social Services Department is all that and more.

To celebrate the wide range of holistic services that our social services team provides, throughout this month our blog will be exploring different elements of our program. Here’s just a brief taste – stay tuned each week as we celebrate all things Bread for the City social services!

  1. Rep Payee: Bread for the City’s social services staff helps manage the finances for over 880 DC residents.
  2. Pre-Employment Program: BFC’s job readiness training is a six week life skills and job readiness program that prepares job seekers to enter the workforce.
  3. SOAR: Bread for the City is the state lead in the SOAR model, which is a more efficient way for people to access SSI/SSDI benefits. BFC has a first-time application acceptance rate of 78%, which is well above the national average for individuals applying for benefits on their own (28% approval on initial application)!
  4. Women Empowered: Wellness Coordinators work with women primarily from Southeast DC to improve their mental and physical health, and support their life goals.  
  5. Housing Access Program: We help people apply for site-based Section 8 housing (subsidized housing), helping participants to identify buildings with open waiting lists, complete applications, and follow-up with buildings once applications are submitted – we’ve helped to house over 120 people since the program began!
  6. Behavioral Health Care: In coordination with our Medical Clinic, Bread for the City offers a continuum of behavioral health services, from one-time wellness coaching to cutting-edge trauma-informed psychotherapy.

Our team works hard every day, hand in hand with our clients as they strive to meet their goals, whether those include obtaining affordable housing, finding employment, or simply being financially stable. Truly, Bread for the City’s Social Services program is the heart and soul of our holistic service model and we’re excited to celebrate the hard work of social workers this month!

Bread for the City’s Social Services work is made possible via support from the DC Department of Behavioral Health, the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, the Jack R. Anderson Foundation, and supporters like you. 

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