Cross-Post: Bishop Braxton calls action to end racism imperative for every American
September 26, 2017 by BFC in Racial Justice
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Every person “must do something,” whether big or small, to address racism in the United States, Bishop Edward K. Braxton of Belleville, Illinois, told an audience at The Catholic University of America.
From taking a public stance at a rally to reaching out to a neighbor, racism can be addressed and overturned, the bishop said during a presentation at a Sept. 21 “teach-in” on fighting racism sponsored by the university’s National Catholic School of Social Service.
“We must expand the horizon of possibilities to ourselves by listening, learning, thinking, praying, acting,” he said.
Recalling that Catholics in public life and leaders in the U.S. Catholic Church once supported slave ownership and widely denied the civil rights of enslaved African-Americans early in the country’s history, Bishop Braxton said much remains to be accomplished to heal the sin of racism and the “flaw at the foundation” of past teaching.
Read the full article ‘Bishop Braxton calls action to end racism imperative for every American’ by Dennis Sadowski on the National Catholic Report HERE.
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