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Want to be a part of DC punk history?

Normally, Bread for the City reaches for go-go music when we want to celebrate. But for the next four weeks we’re embracing a different part of DC music history and going punk with Hamiltonian!

Kicking off on August 13th, Hamiltonian Gallery on U Street is playing host to an exciting and interactive exhibit: a series of all-ages punk shows in a structure that also grows wheat grass for “punk shots” of juice. Artist Naoko Wowsugi is a Hamiltonian Artists Fellow, and has held several successful exhibitions. For this latest work, titled Permacounterculture, she takes inspiration from the District’s punk rock scene as well as the city’s natural environment. And to make the connection between the earth and the music even sweeter, Hamiltonian is raising money from the exhibit for BFC’s City Orchard!

Since the spring, Naoko has been volunteering at City Orchard, Bread for the City’s 2.75 acre orchard in Beltsville, MD. She explains, “I like the idea of organic fresh produce for everyone, not just people who can afford it. The concept of equality and the spirit of sharing really inspired me!”


Naoko checks out the progress of the sprouting wheat grass seeds!

Working at City Orchard planted the seed (get it?!) of an idea: plants grow best when people are interacting with them, as the carbon dioxide that human breath produces is used by plants in the photosynthesis process. Since Naoko had also been going to local punk shows, it occurred to her that a venue where people were singing and dancing and jumping around would actually make a really healthy growing environment!

Plus, punk rock and agriculture had other connections, too. “Punk music and farming are both very energetic,” notes Naoko. “I was surprised that DC punk scene is into the idea of healthy living. And the punk community really tries to support each other and is inclusive, like the City Orchard project.”

If you’re interested in urban agriculture, art, and music, this is a must-see event. The exhibition will run from August 13 – September 10, 2016 with an opening reception and punk show on Saturday, August 13 from 6:30 – 10 pm. See here for more info on this awesome exhibit!logo

Permacounterculture is supported by the Awesome Foundation, Home Depot, Damaged City Fest, DC Punk Archives, in-kind support from the Washington Project for the Arts, donated vegan food for bands from &pizza, Timber Pizza, and Mellow Mushroom, and a plethora of individuals, including members of Bread for the City’s urban agriculture team.

Bread for the City’s City Orchard is funded in part by the University of the District of Columbia.

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