Triple Harvest for City Orchard in August!
October 03, 2016 by BFC in City Orchard Food Access Food Program
Tomatoes, okras, sweet peppers, hot peppers, and the beginning of apple season! That’s what August was about at City Orchard.
We’ve TRIPLED our harvest compared to the last three months, thanks to the University of the District of Columbia (UDC) and Purple Mountain Organics who let us glean vegetables from their sections of the farm. With the decline in the production of early summer berries, our team has shifted focus to summer vegetables.
Also in August, the Sustainable Agriculture team hosted 13 orchard events with groups of 5-125 volunteers totaling over 400 volunteers, harvesting in excess of 1,500 lbs of fresh produce. This equates to over 2,100 servings of fresh, nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, and herbs distributed to DC residents through both of our farm to pantry operations.
Health Benefits
Berries have a low glycemic index compared to most fruits, so they’re great for fighting diabetes and regulating fluctuating blood sugar. They are also nutrient-dense and full of antioxidants.
An apple a day really does keep the doctor away. Apples are rich in antioxidants, flavanoids and dietary fiber… they help fight cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.
Sweet potato greens are rich in vitamin B, beta carotene, iron, calcium, zinc and protein, and they are particularly anti-diabetic and anti-bacterial.
Do you know any people, groups or organizations that would like meaningful volunteer work and team-building experiences? They can sign up to volunteer here.
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