Volunteer Spotlight
September 09, 2016 by BFC in In the Community Volunteering
First introduced to Bread for the City as a volunteer with the food pantry, Lindsay Powell has since been a committed volunteer to the mission of BFC and the FoodWays Program.
Originally from New York City, Lindsay has dedicated her academic and professional career to looking at ways to assuage issues of poverty and inequality. This passion led her to work both internationally and domestically, where this interest in food policy and hunger
alleviation grew.
Spending time as a teacher, intern, and student in South Africa, Nicaragua and Vietnam, and as a Fulbright Scholar in Malaysia, she began to see how other countries used food as a connector but also the serious issues their governments faced with food distribution and nutrition. Lindsay began to make connections between her own experience in the United States with issues of access in under-served communities. Being a part of the FoodWays Program has given Lindsay the ability to positively contribute to the DC community, and she plans to continue well into the future!
“My FoodWays are rooted in a love for food and simple hospitality. I love playing host to dinner parties and sharing good conversation over real good food,” says Lindsay.
Are you interested in volunteering at Bread for the City? Please contact our volunteer department at 202-386-7006, volunteer@breadforthecity.org, or visist www.breadforthecity.org/
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