Building on Good Hope Capital Campaign Update

Great news! Bread for the City’s Building on Good Hope Capital Campaign is surpassing all of our expectations. We are so grateful for our community of supporters – you are making all our dreams come true. Thank you!

In the past few weeks, the J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation and The A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation both awarded generous $1M grants to the Building on Good Hope Capital Campaign. We have also secured additional financing for this project that includes $8.6M in New Markets Tax Credits and $3.6M from the DC Department of Housing & Community Development. When we add in the incredible $6.8M in additional contributions we have received, we are thrilled to announce that we are 81% of the way towards meeting our $26M goal.

Last month we broke ground on our incredible new Southeast Center on Good Hope Road. Construction will be completed by early 2020 when we will open the doors to this new, 27,650 square foot facility. This expansion is an ambitious and essential step to continuing to serve our clients with the dignity and respect that they deserve.

Bread for the City’s new home in Southeast DC will bring our medical, dental and vision services east of the Anacostia River for the first time in our 45-year history. We will open our first-ever Jobs Center allowing us to expand significantly our popular (and successful) Pre-Employment Program, and we will install a fitness center, complete with locker rooms and showers (also a first for us).

The new facility will provide more space for our advocacy program as they continue the uphill fight for genuinely affordable housing in the District and other client-led justice issues, and our legal, social service, food, and clothing programs will all gain much needed square footage so that we can grow our programming to better meet the needs of our clients and our community.

We are in the home stretch of this important project, and we need your help to get us across the finish line. Will you help us raise the last 19% and fully fund our work?

Let’s Build on Good Hope together!

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