Create your Classy page for Holiday Helpings today

For over 30 years Holiday Helpings has given families and individuals the food to celebrate with their loved ones. It has always supported low-income residents in our communities who don’t have the resources to provide a holiday meal for their families.

But, like so much of 2020, things are just different. And it is our obligation to our clients that begged the question, “What do you need this holiday season?” So we surveyed our clients, seeking to understand what they thought their needs would be and what would be helpful this year, and here is what we found out: 

Members of our community are more concerned about their basic needs and not a holiday meal this year. Many won’t be gathering with family members because of the impending second wave of the coronavirus. And our clients would prefer to have the choice to decide what they receive this Holiday Helpings.

Bread for the City will continue the same tradition for Holiday Helpings, but with a new direction. Holiday Helpings will look different this year, but your support is still needed. It’s important for you to still contribute and motivate your families and friends to do the same. 

We need your help to undertake a large-scale community support initiative, giving away $50 gift cards and farm-fresh grocery bags this holiday season! This is a $1,000,000 campaign – but, with your support, we are up for the challenge!

How you can help? Create your drive page by visiting the link below. The page makes it easy to collect donations online and for you and our team to track progress. 

  1. Sign up to create a fundraiser and help us meet this goal
  2. Make a donation to our Holiday Helpings Drive
  3. Ask your place of business if they’d like to donate! (We’re looking for time and talent, in addition to treasure)
  4. Share our ambitious goal with your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter followers. (we’ll be sure to reshare your support) if you give it the hashtag #HolidayHelpings2020

If you have any questions or concerns please email

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