How We’re Building Power in DC

For 45 years, Bread for the City has been a staple in DC for providing food, health care, social services, and legal advice to anyone living on low income. But as our city continued to experience the crippling impacts of systemic racism and poverty, we realized that community organizing and helping our clients build and wield power was also necessary. 

We’ve found partners in DC that agree with us. We’re proud to announce that we’ve received a four-year grant from the Weissberg Foundation’s DMV Power initiative. 

The goal of our Advocacy Program goal is simple: Our organizers are developing policy recommendations that address housing inequality and the loss of Black land/people in the District. We are building a large, coordinated, city-wide campaign asking the DC government to create or preserve 22,000 units of housing that is safe and truly affordable for those that make below 30 percent of the Area Median Income of $109,200.

We’ll be working in coalition with groups like the Fair Budget Coalition, ONE DC, Empower DC, and Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless; and hosting town halls and focus groups with tenants, which will be the basis for building out the demands for the 2020 campaign. 

December’s rally at DCHA was just the beginning. As we move forward, we hope you’ll stay connected and join us in making a DC that is equitable and just for every resident. We’re grateful to the Weissberg Foundation for their generous support, both financially and as thought partners, in this important work.

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