Earlier this month, Bread for the City reached out to our supporters with an urgent problem: the Small Favors Fund, through which we help clients with immediate emergency financial needs, was nearly depleted. Because we’re serving so many more people (1,000 more this year than last!) we had only $400 left to see us through the busy fall season and the end of the year.
The Small Favors Fund isn’t something we talk much about. Most of Bread for the City’s services are focused on addressing the root causes of poverty and building power in communities. But this fund was too important to let lapse, so we reached out anyway because we know from past experience that the compassion of our donors and supporters is overwhelming.
And you did it again! We started with the goal of raising $2,500 — the amount that a major donor had pledged to match, if we could meet it. You blew the match out of the water: currently, we’ve raised more than $6,140 in this campaign!
Including the match, that’s $8,640 that will go right back into the pockets of DC residents. $8,640 of utility bills paid, rent caught up on, and other needs like car repairs and government ID’s met.
Bread for the City does a lot, and most of what we do is designed to address the root causes of poverty and provide our clients with meaningful support like groceries, warm clothes, medical care, and legal assistance. But sometimes what our clients need isn’t that complicated; sometimes the solution is just paying a bill or making a repair. Sometimes, we just need to offer a Small Favor for someone’s equilibrium to be restored.
We couldn’t do it without our community. Thank you again and again for helping us help people.
It’s not too late to make a gift to the Small Favors Fund, which supports our clients all year round with emergency, one-time grants. Make a gift today and know that your support is going directly to your neighbors in DC.