Bread for the City’s mission is to help Washington, DC, residents living with low income to develop their power to determine the future of their own communities.
Thanks to donors like you, we’ve been able to make an incredible annual impact. In 2022 alone, we:
– Provided 305,950 bags of groceries to nearly 11,000 people at no cost
– Had 824 visits to our free clothing boutique
– Served 1,447 clients in our legal clinic and provided legal information and referrals to 3,566 community members
– Provided emergency cash relief of $1,686,000 to over 30,000 families
– Delivered 582,600 diapers for babies
– Provided healthcare to over 16,000 patients in our medical clinic
No goods or services were provided in exchange for your gift. Bread for the City (EIN #52-1138207) is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.