Statement: Solidarity with AAPI Community
March 18, 2021 by BFC
Guest Author: George A. Jones
Bread for the City stands in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community against white supremacy, white nationalism, and violence. When one community experiences oppression it is an attack against freedom to all. Hate crimes motivated by anti-Asian sentiment have long been a reality for our allies in the AAPI community, but have steadily increased during the COVID-19 pandemic due to hateful and racist incitement. Bread for the City stands against all forms of racism. We call for support and action in response to this recent spike in crime against the AAPI community. As a nonprofit agency, we ask our philanthropic supporters to sign the Asian American/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy’s open letter calling for action against racist targeting related to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have witnessed a hate crime against the AAPI community or if you are a member of the AAPI community who has experienced a hate crime, you can report it to Stop AAPI Hate. For more resources on combating anti-Asian violence in the wake of COVID-19, please visit the Asian American/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy’s resource center.
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